Primus comments on Brussels attacks

The Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church says “’We were expecting something like this’ – Simple words of people in Brussels today which express the dreadful reality with which we all live. The indiscriminate acts of terrorism which we have seen in Brussels are part of a struggle between different world views. Our prayers are with those who have been bereaved and injured, with the emergency services and with all who have seen and been part of things which will affect them profoundly in the future.

“In this Holy Week, we hear over and over again the story of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ and we feel the pain of his cruel death. Yet we also believe in the Easter gospel of hope – the defeat through God’s power of sin, failure, loss and death itself. That is the pattern of our faith. May it be the pattern for our world.”