Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney announces his retirement

The Rt Rev Dr Robert (Bob) Gillies has announced that he will retire from the office of Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney on 31 October 2016. At that point Bishop Bob will have just passed his 65th birthday and will be six weeks into his tenth year as Bishop. In a letter to his Diocese he says:

“This wasn’t an easy decision but I feel the time is now right to step down from office. In doing so my deep desire is to reaffirm the considerable affection I have for the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney; one that I have come to love these nine years in which I have been privileged to have served it as Bishop

“In the Diocese I have found clergy, lay readers and members of congregations who have never failed to respond or step up to the mark when asked and have done so to a degree that will have been a blessing to God. There is no shadow of doubt that I will sorely miss it and all who make it so wonderful a place to be. It is right that leadership in ministry does need to be handed on so that new directions and fresh vigour can generate new stimulus.

“The vision that I set for the Diocese – what was effectively my first Synod Charge in 2008 – has I believe now run its course. The formation of a new vision is already under active consideration and for it to generate new levels of missional impact over the next few years the task must fall to someone who will be around longer than I can guarantee to be.”

An article by Bishop Bob reflecting on the nine years of being Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney will appear in the next edition of inspires magazine which will be published early June.