A Pilgrim’s Course

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pilgrimThe Rev. Canon Audrey O’Brien Stewart and Lay Reader, Kennedy Fraser, invite you to join them for a journey through scripture and spiritual practice aimed at inviting us on a pilgrimage in our daily lives.

Mondays from 7:30-9:00PM: 3 & 17 October; 7 & 21 November; and 12 December at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

With the hustle and bustle that is all around us, slowing down long enough to discern which pathway we are being called toward can be a challenge – but it is a challenge that the disciples and even Mary, the mother of God, encountered in their own lives. Through 5 sessions, Audrey and Kennedy, will lead us on a Pilgrimage using ancient and modern spiritual practices and intellectual study aimed at opening us to the Holy Spirit’s voice in our lives and to finding the space to “Be still and know that God is God.” All are welcomed and encouraged to participate. Please email the canon missioner for more information or to sign up: canonmissioner@glasgow.anglican.org

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