Diocesan Advent Quiet Day

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Fifteen people from the north part of the Diocese spent a Quiet Day for Advent in Bishop’s Court, Paisley on 3rd December, conducted by Maureen Brough and Carol Ann Mc Laren.
The theme was “ Encounters” and we were led on guided meditations on the encounter of John the Baptist and Jesus, The Annunciation, and Mary’s encounter with Elizabeth.
The talks were interspersed with quiet periods for reflection and reading, paired discussions, fellowship over lunch, and concluded with the Eucharist, focussing on the theme of the day.
Once again, it was a privilege to share a special time with fellow Christians from around the Diocese, stepping briefly aside from the secular concerns of the season.
(The Diocesan Advent Quiet Day for 2017 will be held on Saturday 2nd December)

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