Lent reflection: Excited by anticipation of new life

By Rebecca Cromwell

Rebecca Cromwell

During the last few years, Lent for me, has been an uncertain, stressful and slightly miserable time. With final deadlines and exams looming, I have in some ways, forgotten to appreciate the true meaning of Lent and all the great things that come at the end of the 40 days.

Lent should be a time for reflection, prayer and observance and should take us away from the day-to-day busy-ness of life. So, this year, I’m trying to spend more time thinking not about my own challenges but about the sacrifice that Jesus made and all the wonderful things that come during this period of reflection.

Throughout Lent, the days become longer and lighter, the climate becomes warmer (well, that’s debateable for Scotland!) and new life appears around us. Lent excites me and I enjoy the anticipation of awaiting new life. Jesus sacrificed himself and his life so that we could receive a new breath of life, in the form of a saviour. This for me, is at the heart of my faith as a Christian. I’m trying hard to resist temptation of giving in to the stresses and anxieties that life as a student teacher presents, as well as the strain of our current circumstances, and instead I am keeping in mind the anticipation of the welcoming of our saviour and the gift that he gave us in sacrificing his life.

I hope Lent continues to be a time of growth for not only myself but for the Church, even in this difficult time. Both young and old need to grow together to find a common ground, so that we can continue to provide a fruitful and inclusive faith community for all.

Rebecca Cromwell is the 18-25 year old Provincial Youth Committee representative for the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane