The 2023 SEI Lecture: Disabling Norms and Acentering Churches: Autism, Long Covid and the Return of the Old Normal

Professor Grant MacAskill (the Kirby Laing Chair of New Testament Exegesis, Kings College, University of Aberdeen) will present the Eighth Annual Scottish Episcopal Institute Lecture on Thursday 26 October at 5pm.

Prof MacAskill’s title is: ‘Disabling Norms and Acentering Churches: Autism, Long Covid and the Return of the Old Normal’. His presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session. The event is entirely online.

The lecture will be live streamed at this page from 5pm on 26 October, or you can join SEI on Zoom at this link.

Join Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 875 3910 3762
Passcode: 068754