Clergy Wellbeing Survey

In response to an enquiry from The Times newspaper, the following response was given:

As part of an ongoing review and assessment of personnel and administrative oversight within the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Church’s Personnel Committee carried out a Clergy Wellbeing Survey in February/March this year. The survey was designed as a first step in enabling members of clergy to indicate the areas which they considered the Committee should focus on in the medium term future. The survey has helpfully identified a range of issues for further consideration.

The Rt Rev Andrew Swift, Bishop of Brechin and member of the Personnel Committee says “The wellbeing and care of our clergy is of vital importance, and the survey covered a range of questions to ensure that a full overview of this at present could be ascertained.

“The responses to some of the questions – most notably the one relating to bullying and harassment – clearly indicates the need to explore more fully how and why clergy are experiencing such behaviour. Bullying and harassment can never be regarded as acceptable within the Church or anywhere else.

“We are encouraged that clergy have felt able to participate openly and honestly in our survey. The survey results indicate many areas in which the level of clergy wellbeing is positive but they have also identified issues which need fuller exploration. The survey is a start of a process. We are committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to address the issues which have been raised. The wellbeing of our clergy is of paramount importance.”
